sobota, 11 października 2008

A Ty? Kim jesteś?

"I'm a Pentaxian. A loyalist. A diehard. I once carried a K1000 around with me everywhere, only reluctantly setting it down to take the occasional shower. I tell my kids bedtime stories about those heady days when the camera known simply as "The Pentax" was the best-selling SLR made. I don't spend countless hours pixel peeping. I just take pictures. And while I may be tempted, on occasion, to turn to a stranger on an elevator and say 'the best auto-focus SLR lens ever made is the Pentax 31mm f/1.8'  I'd really rather be using my equipment than talking about it. Pentax understands that cameras don't take pictures, photographers do. Their new digital SLR's are the result of listening to Pentaxians and delivering tools for true photography lovers. These cameras are already creating many more loyalists. So the question is: can these newcomers count themselves among the diehards?
Hey, we're Pentaxians, not photography snobs. Welcome to our club."

2 komentarze:

Anonimowy pisze...

Może już wkrótcę przyłączę się do clubu i zacznę śnić o takumarch.

Unknown pisze...

Hej, wtedy z radością powtórzę: WELCOME TO OUR CLUB. :-))